
Swords & Sails, Rewrite History in 1000 AD

Created by Jason R. Williams

Swords & Sails is an epic game of strategy, conquest, diplomacy and intrigue about leading your armies and fleets through medieval Europe in 1000 AD. Take on the role of one of the major political factions; the Byzantine Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Fatimid Caliphate, the Kievan Rus' Empire, the North Sea Empire, the Kingdom of France, or the Anglo Saxon Kingdom of England. Make alliances and win as a team or win individually Using military might, political intrigue, and diplomatic savvy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Swords&Sails at Origin's and GenCon
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 07:56:17 PM

VRGames / will be running demos and Exhibiting at the Origin's Game Fair, June 8th-12th in Columbus OH, and then running Demo's at GenCon,  August 4th-7th, in Indianapolis, IN.

We are looking for volunteers to both run demos and some booth support at Origin's and just run demos for GenCon.

We will have a limited number of Badges to offer and even more limited amount of hotel rooms for volunteers, based on the amount of hours being volunteered.   We will also be giving VRGames product as part of the compensation for volunteering, and a cool VRGames T-Shirt with game artwork for everyone who helps, even if you volunteer to run just a single game.

For earning the badge for helping and depending on the number of volunteers we are getting, we will require 12 to 16 hrs of help split over all 4/5 days of gaming Con.  For receiving 1/4 of a room (limited), we will need a minimum of 24 hrs of volunteer hours.

If you are interested in helping at less than the 12 to 16 hours of help, then we can still give you either a one day (or 2 one day) passes and / or VRGames products as part of your compensation, based on working a 4 hr shift, for a one day pass (The one day passes are only available as compensation for the Origin's Game fair, but VRGames product is available for both).

Please contact me (IM message or send email to [email protected]) f you are interested in helping, even if you are just willing to run one or two games of Swords & Sails or Tali.

Mercenary & Privateers KS in final hours
over 3 years ago – Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 12:17:56 PM

Hello everyone, we are in the final few hours left in the Mercenaries & Privateers Kickstarter, and it is becoming a bit of a roller coaster and a race to see if we can get over that 300% funding goal to unlock the additional Armenian Kingdom printed minor player.

So if you haven't looked at the Mercenaries & Privateers campaign or have but haven't pledged yet, then help us get to the rest of the stretch goals and get a whole bunch of game for the cost with special discount and bundles exclusive to this KS campaign, only available here.

If you have already pledge, I want to say thank you, but ask you to possibly consider adding a new add-on or increasing your pledge to the (maybe $25 to $41 to make sure you get the additional free new Khazar Empire Minor player) or add the $10 for early shipment of in stock items to be shipped first.

Pledge Now!


Mercenaries & Privateers funded in 26 hrs
over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 09:57:51 PM

If you haven't heard, The Mercenaries & Privateers card expansion funded in 26 hours.  We have unlocked several stretch goals and revealed several more relating to two new minor players.  The Khazar Empire and the Armenian Kingdom.  We will first add the minor players as Print-n-Play stretch goals which all backers at the new recruits level and above will receive, once unlocked.  We will add a physical reward levels as these get unlocked above the warrior level, combined with the M&P card expansions (not revealed until after the PnP levels are unlocked). 

Help us unlock these two new stretch goals and grow the campaign bigger, if you have not yet pledge to the M&P campaign, now is the time to join in.

For all those who have already pledged, thank you and we look forward to adding more rewards soon.


Mercenaries & Privateers gains the #1 Hot List spot on Kicktraq Tabletop Games.
over 3 years ago – Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 08:50:35 AM

Morning everyone,

(sorry if you have seen this message twice)

I want to thank all of you for helping us get to over 88% in less than 24 hours and achieve the number #1 spot on the Kicktraq hot list for tabletop games for Wednesday August 18th.

We are trying to get to the $2000 funding level before 48 hours to unlock our first special stretch goal of the Siege Engine War card.  And if we can do this in the next 2 hours (in the 24 hours from launch) I will release another new Privateer card stretch goal of Rode's Raiders.  We only have a little ways to go, so if you have not backed, please come join us.  If you have already backed, thank you and spread the word around to get more people involved.

Below is the two stretch goals we are trying to achieve.

I again want to thank everyone for helping us get the #1 spot in Kicktraq so quickly.

And here is the link if you need it: 


Mercenaries & Privateers S&S Card expansion KS is now live
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 12:19:26 PM

And we are now live with the Intrigue Card Expansion for Swords & Sails.

Please follow the link and help us get to full funding in the next 48 hours and we will unlock the in 24/48 hour special stretch goals.